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“Birth is an opportunity to transcend. To rise above what we are accustomed to, reach deeper inside ourselves than we are familiar with, and to see not only what we are truly made of, but the strength we can access in and through birth.”
— Marcie Macari

central and southern new jersey homebirth midwife and birth doula


My name is Jamie Davison-Ortiz, and I am here to inspire you to reclaim your raw, feminine power. Yeah, YOU…

It took thirty trips around the sun for me to step into my divine, feminine energy, to claim my own power, my own place in this this crazy existence we call a life. Born into scorpio energy, I am dark, stormy, and absolutely here to shake up not only my own life, but yours as well. I am NOT for everyone, but that’s okay, because everyone is not for me. I am in search of the radical, the fiery, the women in this world who refuse to accept the status quo. I am here for those who will never let a system, a model of care, make them small.

I am here for the queen bees who refuse to accept anything less than they deserve.

Queens, I am not here for you to follow in my path. I am here to show you your own. I am here to ignite the fire within, to heat your womb, to unlock the raw, powerful energy that will light the way to what you truly desire. We are not here to be complacent, we are here to OWN THE SHOW.

“Motherhood builds a fire within us, a raw, unadulterated power. Some let it stay at bay, smothering it out day by day. Let it burn, baby. Ride those waves of power until you conquer everything in your hopes and dreams."

Image copyright Leigh Rose Photography

Birth is POWER, and I am here to remind you that you, and only you, are in control.

I believe in birth, women, OUR WOMBS just as they were created. Your innate power to bring a living, breathing entity in this world is your GIFT. You are not broken or helpless as our modern system of care will lead you to believe. You have POWER, strength, a deep seeded instinctual ability to give life.

I want to see you soar on the mindblowing ecstasy that birth can be.

Our maternal care is a series of “thank you, next” protocols that diminish our being. Compassion has been removed from the most raw, transformative experiences known to this world, replaced by fear, uncertainty, “but we saved you!”. I’m here to show you how to DEMAND compassion, consent, emotion in an otherwise cold, sterile sea.


Let me hold your hand as we dive deep into the delicious abyss that is owning your birth, motherhood, and everything in between.

Birth Doula Central New Jersey

Mother, wife, student midwife, doula, birth advocate, placenta encapsulator, I go by many titles, but most importantly, I am PASSIONATE.

Passionate about empowering women to reclaim their power during birth AND motherhood. Watching birthing people THRIVE during their experience is literally what I live for. I am not a professional hand holder, but someone who shows up to do the DEEP internal work that will literally have you standing in your raw, divine energy, demanding the world give you the respect you deserve. Owning your birth is all about owning the word “NO”, and I am here to teach you how to say it, and to not feel even a little bit bad about doing so.


Birth doesn’t have to be something you do alone.