Our maternity care system is NOT set up to have you leaving your appointments feeling HEARD. It can leave you feeling like a package on a conveyor belt, just rolling through until you get to your end destination and are no longer their problem.

You may go your entire pregnancy feeling like all your questions fell on deaf ears. Sometimes your provider can even make your questions feel DUMB. Knowledge is power, and walking into your birth experience as an informed, educating mama is the KEY to nailing your birth experience. I understand that having a doula attend your birth isn’t for everyone, and that is A-OKAY. Don’t worry though, I still want to share my education and expertise on all topics of birth with YOU. Feel like you need some more education around a certain topic? A review of your birth plan? Just a run through on what a normal, physiological birth looks like? I GOT YOU! During a consultation, it is up to YOU on what we discuss. You let me know the topics you want to hit during our meeting and I will do my best to load you up with as much INFO + resources as I can during our time together.

Here are some potential topics for a consultation appointment:

  • birth plan review

  • help with making choices around topics like antibiotics in labor for GBS, postdate pregnancies, declining an induction, delayed cord clamping, etc.

  • twin birth

  • setting yourself up for success with breastfeeding

  • navigating new parent life as a couple

  • AND whatever you want to talk about!

Booking for birth education + information consultations can be done beflow. Just use the calender to find an appointment that works for you and you will receive a zoom link for your date + time. Then its me and you, baby!