Let me guide you through the birth of your dreams…


Birth doula + student midwife serving central new jersey


What exactly are you Investing in?

Most importantly, YOU!

My fee includes an all access pass to ME, your birth experience guru. I have cultivated deep, powerful knowledge on all topics related to the divine experience that is BIRTH. I am there to enlighten, lift, and help you experience the sheer ecstasy that an informed, supported birth truly can be.

What am i teaching you?

  • learn the true and meaningful definition of informed consent and how it can wildly affect your birth experience

  • How to demand respect from maternal care providers in an otherwise “thank you, next” medical culture

  • explore your deepest desires, fears, and true ideals to manifest the birth you truly envisioned

  • enter motherhood confidently, unapologetically, and prepared for its wild ride


I am a knowledge chaser…

I am deeply invested in the women’s experience surrounding birth, and truly believe our experiences set us up for our journey through motherhood. I dive DEEP into training, books, and hands on workshops whenever and wherever I can. I believe in always seeking MORE, no matter how much we already know. Our minds are ever changing, needing to be fed, and challenged.

  • i am currently a student midwife enrolled in the midwives college of utah

  • I am a trained dona international doula

  • I am a trained Birth arts international doula

  • I am a spinning babies aware practitioner, having learned the moves from the queen herself, gail tully

  • I am a breech without borders workshop alumni x2

  • I am an evidence based birth member, having completed a savvy birth pro workshop

  • I am a certified association of Placenta preparation arts encapsulation specialist

  • I am also trained in advanced Neonatal resuscitation & basic life support (CPR)

I have a long list of future trainings & workshops I am investing in, and I would love to tell you about them!

What do my Doula services include?

  • two prenatal appointments

  • We are gonna get real comfortable with each other. I want to get to know you, your partner, the story that brought you to the point of BABY. I want to hear about your maternal care provider, how your conversations are going during appointments, what you are loving, and what you are downright hating. We will get real candid about ALL things birth and postpartum. I am talking the real dirty truth that most people sugarcoat. I want you and your partner going into the experience prepared for the REAL.

  • unlimited access to ME

  • Seriously, as soon as your contract is signed, you get me whenever, and however you want me. Email, text, phone, face time, I am HERE FOR YOU. Had a bad day? Nervous about an upcoming appointment? Let’s chat. I want you to feel fully comfortable with me by the time your birth day arrives. We are walking into this experience as a TEAM, not strangers.

  • hands on birth support

  • From the moment you feel that first little twinge of a contraction, I am available. Clear my schedule, let’s have a baby! I am guiding you through early labor, whether we text, call, or video chat, preparing for the moment when you need more hands on birth support. Labor stalled? Back labor? Feeling deep feelings you don’t know how to cope with? I am THERE FOR IT. We are gonna work through labor using the tools we crafted during our prenatal visits, for however long it takes until baby joins us earthside. I am there to keep you strong, rooted, connected with your birth experience. No “12 hour” labor support clause here! I am all yours for however long you need my support.

  • postpartum love

  • After the birth of your little one, I am there to help you and your partner navigate the “what next?”. You are floating on cloud nine, and sometimes medical providers throw 99 questions at you in your foggy postpartum glory. I am there to explain what they are TRULY asking, making sure your decisions don’t get lost in the fog. Planning on breastfeeding? Amazing, let’s get that baby latched. I provide hands on breastfeeding assistance immediately post birth, and then via text, call, or video chat afterwards

  • after birth visit

  • Within a week of your birth, I offer a drop in visit. This visit is free of expectations, and we just let it roll. I want to know how you are, how your partner is, what your real feelings are about your birth experience. Scared of motherhood? Having trouble saying no to visitors? How the heck does this little person make so much laundry! We are figuring it out, coming up with solutions to the real life problems you ARE going to experience immediately postpartum.

  • placenta encapsulation

  • If someone told you there was a natural remedy to recover more quickly after birth, would you take it? Your placenta is a powerful tool for your postpartum wellness. Mothers who ingest their placenta report a faster physical recovery after birth, more overall energy, fewer instances of "baby blues", a better milk supply, and so many more amazing benefits. Doesn't a postpartum with fewer tears and more love sound amazing? Encapsulation is offered to all doula clients at no additional charge, however, if it’s not for you, you can opt-out!

Investment -$2000

Signed contract and 50% retainer due to hold your due date on my calendar.

Although I respect all person’s right to birth with the care provider they feel safest, I currently am only attending births with those clients under MIDWIFERY ONLY care in all settings (hospital, birth center, or home). Exceptions will only be made for existing clients who must transfer care for medical reasons. If you are interested in switching providers, please don’t hesitate to reach out for a list of Midwifery practices for all birth settings.


Not interested in having a doula as part of your experience but want to tap into my vast knowledge on all topics birth? Don’t worry, I offer birth education + information consultations.